If you’ve been taking a break in between your tattoo sessions and jumping on the internet to stay up on the latest, then you’ve probably heard about the release of Kabuki Black Outling Tattoo Ink.  This is the latest release from Skin Candy Tattoo Inks.  Once again SkinCandy has shown that years of experience does pay off.  Kabuki Black is amazing.  It flows in nice, stays a deep black and is easy to wipe away.  The artists that have given us feedback have said they prefer it over Kuro Sumi.  Way to go Skin Candy!  The upcoming release of Kabuki Shading Ink is sure to be a success if it’s anywhere near as good as the outlining ink.  Roan 1, 2, & 3 has also been a hit since it’s release in late 2007.  The Roan Black Cherry Shading Ink offers a unique color tone with three variations of consistency and we think it looks damn good!  Keep up the amazing work over at SkinCandy!